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Tech and Usage

Recommendations for using the Fly Patch


1. Be careful. Flies and lures are sharp. 


2. We use a patch with a larger diameter than the magnet. Otherwise the metal can find the edges of the magnet and rotate around the side. With a patch, the metal may find the edge of the magnet, but it will still remain on the face of the patch. 


3. How much weight can it hold? As the pictures indicate. Small lures, flies, nuts and bolts are about the right size. 


4. These don't float.

7. About these clips. We searched far and wide for the right clip but couldn’t find what we wanted. So we made them ourselves! We use Kydex. Be advised that if they are overstressed, it’s fine, but they might not relax back to their original shape. You can use these on thin straps and webbing all day long. If you put them on the brim of a cap (a bit thicker) they will stay there and can be removed and reattached to a hat, but you may not be able to revert back to attachment on a thinner material. Kydex is a thermoplastic so they can be reformed with a little heat. Feel free to ask me how, or there is a lot of diy tricks on the internet.

6. If the patch ever starts to peel off, no problem. Just add a little super glue. 

5. The clip was designed to fit on straps as small as 1”. They'll also work on small belts and stuff. We also threw in a hole for lanyards, clips, tethers or zingers.  

8. ** Warning ** These are high strength neodymium magnets.  These type of magnets have been proven to have a negative affect on pacemakers and ICD's (implantable cardioverter defibrillator).  We do not recommend using our products if you are using one of these devices.

A great way to hold on to small metal objects such as fishing flies, nuts and bolts for the handyman or woman. 

The Fly Patch Magnet can clip on to belts, straps, and hats among other things! Stick it on your fishing pack and take it to the river!


Please send constructive critiques!:). These are handmade. We’re always looking for ways to improve the product. 

We only use strong N52 magnets. The Fly Patch weighs 1oz and the outside diameter is 2”.

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